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The IT Law Wiki


The following are the GAO reports published in 1978 that are discussed in this wiki (in reverse chronological order). Those Reports that have already been summarized are in blue; those that have not yet been summarized are in red.



  • Information Technology: Civil Service Commission Should Correct Weaknesses in Its Automatic Data Processing Policies and Practices (FPCD-78-94) (Nov. 20, 1978).
  • Federal Paperwork: Its Impact On American Business (GGD-79-4) (Nov. 17, 1978).
  • Human Capital: The Proper Use of Consultants, Experts, and Contractors (Nov. 15, 1978).
  • New Methods Needed for Checking Payments Made by Computer (Nov. 11, 1978).




  • Telecommunications: Establishment of a Central Focal Point for Telecommunications Matters (B-131935) (Aug. 18, 1978).
  • Telecommunications: Coordination, Policy Development, and Implementation for International Telecommunications Facilities (Aug. 16, 1978).
  • Telecommunications: Contemplated Legislation To Provide Telecommunications for the Deaf (LCD-78-118) (Aug. 14, 1978).
  • Government Operations: Policy and Procedures Pertaining to Procurement of ADP Equipment (B-159605) (Aug. 9, 1978).


  • Information Technology: Improvements Needed in the Department of Energy's Efforts To Develop a Financial Reporting System (EMD-78-95) (July 31, 1978).
  • Information Technology: Development of Department of Defense's Tri-Service Medical Information Systems (LCD-78-121) (July 19, 1978).
  • Budget and Spending: New Ways of Preparing Data for Computers Could Save Money and Time and Reduce Errors (FGMSD-78-39) (July 18, 1978).
  • Information Technology: The Department of the Interior's Computerized Resources Information Bank (EMD-78-17) (July 17, 1978).
  • Managing Weapon System Software: Progress and Problems (PSAD-78-112) (July 10, 1978) (unclassified digest).




  • Budget and Spending: Challenges of Protecting Personal Information in an Expanding Federal Computer Network Environment (LCD-76-102) (Apr. 28, 1978).
  • Budget and Spending: The Air Force Continued To Develop the Advanced Logistics System, a Program It Was Directed To Cancel (LCD-78-108) (Apr. 24, 1978).
  • The Federal Information Processing Standards Program: Many Potential Benefits, Little Progress, and Many Problems (FGMSD-78-23) (Apr. 19, 1978).
  • Shifting the Government's Automatic Data Processing Requirements to the Private Sector: Further Study and Better Guidance Needed (FGMSD-78-22) (Apr. 11, 1978).
  • Telecommunications: Office of Telecommunications Policy's Contract for a Publication on Intercepting Electronic Communications (LCD-78-110) (Apr. 10, 1978).
  • Information Security: Multilevel Computer Security Requirements of the World Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) (LCD-78-106) (Apr. 5, 1978).


  • [NONE]



Other GAO Reports[]

The following entries list GAO Reports in chronological order by year: