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U.S. Department of Justice & Homeland Security, Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative, Fusion Center Guidelines: Developing and Sharing Information and Intelligence in a New Era (Aug. 2006) (full-text).


The intent of this document is to provide guidelines that help ensure fusion centers are established and operated effectively and efficiently in a manner that protects the privacy and civil liberties of citizens.

The first set of Guidelines, entitled "Fusion Center Guidelines: Developing and Sharing Information and Intelligence in a New Era — Guidelines for Establishing and Operating Fusion Centers at the Local, State, and Federal Levels — the Law Enforcement Intelligence Component" was published in July 2005.

The second set of Guidelines, entitled "Fusion Center Guidelines Developing and Sharing Information and Intelligence in a New Era — Guidelines for Establishing and Operating Fusion Centers at the Local, State, and Federal Levels — Law Enforcement Intelligence, Public Safety and the Private Sector" was first published in August 2006.