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National Performance Review, From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government That Works Better and Costs Less (Sept. 1993) (full-text).


The report made 384 specific recommendations on how operations could be improved,

It was based on 38 accompanying reports that detailed 1,250 specific actions intended to save $108 billion over a five-year period by reducing the number of overhead positions, in areas such as management, procurement, financial management, etc. The Vice President said these efforts would begin the shift from an Industrial Age, hierarchical bureaucracy to an Information Age organization of fluid networks. He concluded that making real and lasting change in government would require years of concentrated effort.

The report was one of the first government documents posted on the Internet, and within days over 100,000 copies had been downloaded.

Within days after the report was released, the President issued a series of directives to implement a number of the recommendations, including:

  • Reducing the work force by 252,000 positions, and
  • Requiring agencies to set customer service standards.