i2010: Digital Libraries High Level Expert Group–Copyright Subgroup, Final Report on Digital Preservation, Orphan Works and Out-of-Print Works (Mar. 6, 2008) (full-text).
This Report identifies three areas which have to be dealt with as priorities, as far as IPR challenges encountered by the Digital Library initiative are concerned: digital preservation of content, including via web-harvesting and the facilitation of clearances concerning rights on orphan and out-of-print works. It indicates what actions and arrangements could, if properly implemented, reduce the difficulties currently encountered in these areas.
The solutions proposed by the Report are based on a set of high level principles, which should govern actions in the field. The recommendations put forward are underpinned by consultation with main stakeholders, particularly in connection with the issue of identification and use of orphan works.
In the area of digital preservation, the Report proposes several actions at the Member State level which are in conformity with current European legislation and would clear the ground from legal obstacles encountered in certain Member States by institutions engaged in digitisation. The measures envisaged encompass the possibility of creating multiple digital copies for preservation purposes and of providing for web-harvesting under national legal deposit legislation.
The approach recommended by the Subgroup in the area of orphan works builds on the specifically European concept of mechanisms in each Member State having a minimum common denominator and mutual recognition of national solutions concerning orphan works. Once common core principles are established, including in the area of due diligence guidelines for identifying and/or locating rightholders, material whose rightholders have been considered diligently searched for should also be considered accordingly in the other Member States.
It is also suggested that out-of-print works, once digitised, could be made available to a larger range of users than currently occurs on the basis of a licensing solution. To encourage this availability, the Copyright subgroup developed two Model Licences, one intended for use in secure networks, the other on line over open networks.
The Report describes a mechanism based on Data Bases and Rights Clearance Centre to facilitate lawful use both of orphan and out-of-print works. It also suggests a number of deployment issues, including the identification of test-beds for the measures, a specific e-content Plus Project (ARROW) and actions, including dissemination, by the European Community.