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Defense Science Board Task Force on Department of Defense Policies and Procedures for the Acquisition of Information Technology, Final Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Department of Defense Policies and Procedures for the Acquisition of Information Technology (Mar. 2009) (full-text).


At the request of Congress, the Task Force undertook a review of Department of Defense policies and procedures for the acquisition of information technology. The broad scope of the study touched on acquisition and oversight policies and procedures, roles and responsibilities for acquisition officials department-wide, and reporting requirements and testing as they relate to IT acquisition.

The primary conclusion of the Task Force is that the conventional DOD acquisition process is too long and too cumbersome to fit the needs of the many IT systems that require continuous changes and upgrades. Thus the Task Force believes that there is a need for a unique acquisition system for information technology. The Task Force offers the following recommendations to change the Department's approach to information technology acquisition.