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White House, Executive Order 13702: Creating a National Strategic Computing Initiative (July 29, 2015) (full-text).


The National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) is guided by four overarching principles. As befitting a whole-of-Nation effort, these principles are stated in E.O. 13702 as imperatives for the entire nation. The principles are:

1. The United States must deploy and apply new HPC technologies broadly for economic competitiveness and scientific discovery.
2. The United States must foster public-private collaboration, relying on the respective strengths of government, industry, and academia to maximize the benefits of HPC.
3. The United States must adopt a whole-of-government approach that draws upon the strengths of and seeks cooperation among all executive departments and agencies with significant expertise or equities in HPC while also collaborating with industry and academia.
4. The United States must develop a comprehensive technical and scientific approach to transition HPC research on hardware, system software, development tools, and applications efficiently into development and, ultimately, operations.

E.O. 13702 identified five strategic objectives that are essential to sustaining and enhancing U.S. scientific, technological, and economic leadership in HPC. The objectives are:

1. Accelerate delivery of a capable exascale computing system delivering approximately 100 times the performance of current systems across a range of applications.
2. Increase coherence between the technology base used for modeling and simulation and that used for data analytic computing.
3. Establish a viable path forward for future HPC systems even after the limits of current semiconductor technology are reached (the "post-Moore's Law era").
4. Increase the capacity and capability of an enduring national HPC ecosystem.
5. Develop an enduring public-private collaboration to ensure that the benefits of the research and development advances are shared among government, industrial, and academic sectors.