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White House, Executive Order 13618: Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions (July 6, 2012) (full-text).


Generally, this Executive Order states that the federal government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances. Specifically, the order outlines the federal government's need and responsibility to communicate during national security and emergency situations crises and provides direction for such communications.

This Executive Order changes federal national security and emergency preparedness communications functions by dissolving the National Communications System, establishing an executive committee to oversee federal national security and emergency preparedness communications functions, establishing a programs office within the Department of Homeland Security to assist the executive committee, and assigning specific responsibilities to federal government entities.

Under the Executive Order, DHS was required to provide the President with a detailed plan within 60 days of issuance, describing the organization and management structure for its national security/emergency preparedness communications functions. Subsequently, CS&C was reorganized in October 2012 to support these requirements better and improve the security and dependability of the Nation's cyber and communications infrastructure.

Executive Order 13618 revoked Executive Order 12472 and amended Executive Order 12382.
