The White House, Executive Order 13133: Working Group on Unlawful Conduct on the Internet, 64 Fed. Reg. 43895-96 (Aug. 5, 1999) (full-text).
This Executive Order established a working group to address unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet.
The Executive Order directed the Working Group, under the leadership of the U.S. Attorney General, to address the issue of unlawful conduct involving the use of the Internet and to prepare a report with recommendations on:
- The extent to which existing federal laws provide a sufficient basis for effective investigation and prosecution of unlawful conduct involving the use of the Internet, such as the illegal sale of guns, explosives, controlled substances, and prescription drugs, as well as fraud and child pornography;
- The extent to which new technology tools, capabilities, or legal authorities may be required for effective investigation and prosecution of unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet; and
- The potential for new or existing tools and capabilities to educate and empower parents, teachers, and others to prevent or to minimize the risks from unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet.
The Executive Order further directed the Working Group to conduct its review in the context of current Administration policy concerning the Internet. That policy includes support for industry self-regulation where possible, support for technology-neutral laws and regulations, and an appreciation of the Internet as an important medium for commerce and free speech both domestically and internationally.