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The White House, Executive Order 13010: Critical Infrastructure Protection, 61 Fed. Reg. 37347 (July 15, 1996) (full-text), amended by Executive Order 13025 (Nov. 13, 1996); Executive Order 13041 (Apr. 3, 1997); Executive Order 13064 (Oct. 11, 1997; and Executive Order 13077 (Mar. 10, 1998), revoked in part, Executive Order 13138 (Sept. 30, 1999).


This Executive Order established the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) (also known as the Marsh Commission) to study the nation's vulnerabilities to both cyber and physical threats. It also identified the need for the government and the private sector to work together to establish a strategy for protecting critical infrastructures from physical and cyber threats and assuring their continued operation.

It also resulted in the creation of the Infrastructure Protection Task Force (IPTF).

See also[]