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Executive Office of the President, Executive Order 12931, Federal Procurement Reform (Oct. 13, 1994) (full-text).


The President issued Executive Order 12931 "to ensure effective and efficient spending of public funds through fundamental reforms in Government procurement." Among its provisions, this order requires agencies to:

  • Ensure that procurement organizations set goals, measure results, and meet customer needs.
  • Designate an agency procurement executive to oversee the development of procurement goals and guidelines, measure and evaluate performance against goals, and enhance the career development of the acquisition workforce.
  • Provide Government purchase cards to users to take advantage of FASA's micro-purchase authority.
  • Use simplified acquisition procedures, when applicable.
  • Buy commercial products, emphasize contractors' past performance, and promote best value.
  • Replace rules, reporting requirements, certifications, and other administrative practices that are not required by statute with guiding principles that reward innovation.