The White House, Executive Order 12881, The Establishment of the National Science and Technology Council, 58 Fed. Reg. 62491 (Nov. 23, 1993) (full-text).
This Executive Order established the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and directed it to:
- coordinate the science and technology (S&T) policy-making process;
- ensure S&T policy decisions and programs are consistent with the President's stated goals;
- help integrate the President's S&T policy agenda across the federal government;
- ensure S&T are considered in development and implementation of federal policies and programs; and
- further international cooperation in S&T.
The NSTC established its NSTC Subcommittee on Biometrics and Identity Management in 2002, and has been coordinating biometrics S&T policy issues ever since.
Coordination approaches and priorities have changed over the years, which is normal as technologies are advanced and issues evolve from pure science to the application of science to meet specific operational needs.