The IT Law Wiki
The IT Law Wiki



Evaluation is

[an] assessment of the reliability of the source and accuracy of the raw data.[1]
[t]he process of establishing the accuracy and integrity of measured data. Evaluation involves examination and appraisal of the data presented, assessment of experimental techniques and associated errors, consistency checks for allowed values and units, comparison with other experimental or theoretical values, reanalysis and recalculation of derived quantities as required, selection of best values, and assignment of probable error or reliability.[2]


Evaluation is an "appraisal of an item of information in terms of credibility, reliability, pertinence, and accuracy."[3]


Evaluation is the

process of examining, measuring and/or judging how well an entity, procedure, or action has met or is meeting stated objectives.[4]

Evaluation is the "[a]ssessment of an information system against defined security criteria."[5]


See also[]