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OECD, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy, Electronic and Mobile Commerce (DSTI/ICCP/IE/IIS(2012)1/FINAL) (OECD Digital Economy Papers No. 228) (July 26, 2013) (full-text).


This report on e-commerce looks at developments over the previous 14 years since the OECD Ministerial Conference "A Borderless World: Realising the Potential of Global Electronic Commerce." It looks at e-commerce as a potential engine of economic growth, highlights existing challenges, and explores evolving market solutions to long-standing barriers.

This report was developed for consideration by the Working Party on the Information Economy (WPIE) and the Working Party on Indicators for the Information Society (WPIIS). It was declassified by the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP) in July 2013.