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The Electronic Subcontract Reporting System (eSRS) was created in 2005 and intended to streamline the U.S. federal government's small business subcontracting program reporting process and provide the data to agencies in a manner that will enable them to more effectively manage the program. The Small Business Administration partnered with the IAE and other agency partners to develop the eSRS system. The eSRS is an Internet-based reporting tool that eliminates the need for contractors to submit and process Individual Subcontracting Reports (SF 294) and Summary Subcontracting Reports (SF 295) in hard copy. In 2007, the eSRS implemented an interface with FPDS-NG, which permits contractors to enter a contract number into eSRS and have the contract data retrieved from FPDS-NG for use in the subcontracting reports.


  • [[Effort to Consolidate Governmentwide Acquisition Data Systems Should Be Reassessed, at 25.