Melissa N. Diaz, Electric Vehicles: A Primer on Technology and Selected Policy Issues (CRS Report R46231) (Feb. 14, 2020) (full-text).
Electric vehicle (EV) technology has emerged as a potential alternative to the internal combustion engine with an increasing variety and volume of electric vehicles sold since the 1990s. Numerous policies and incentives are in place or have been proposed to encourage the production, purchase, and use of alternative fuel vehicles (including EVs).
These proposals have been at times alongside efforts to reduce fuel consumption and subsequent emissions, support some incentives and grant programs have expired, and other legislative options have been U.S. vehicle manufacturing, and address the growing shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund.
Since 2010, some incentives and grant programs have expired, and other legislative options have been proposed. Underlying these policies are congressional interests such as reducing reliance on foreign sources of petroleum, encouraging rural development, promoting domestic manufacturing, and addressing environmental concerns.
This report provides a primer on the expansion of the market for electric passenger, or light-duty, vehicles. This discussion will address some of the factors influencing EV adoption, the broad categories of EVs and related technology, and the current federal policy landscape vehicles.