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ePUB is an extensible markup language, like the HTML used for websites, and is one of the two most common eBook file formats. The text adapts to a user’s device. If the user wants a larger typeface, for example, the text will be redrawn on the screen.


ePUB is an open standard for eBooks, based on XMLM; it has been defined by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) and replaced the older standard Open eBook (OEB) or Open eBook Publication Structure (OEBPS). In addition to dynamic text adjustment, EPUB files can be individually adapted to a certain extent and support vector graphics. EPUB is also compatible with Digital Rights Management systems.


  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers, "Turning the Page: The Future of eBooks" 4 & n.3 (2010) (full-text).