U.K. Government, - Electronic Government Services for the 21st Century (Sept. 2000) (full-text).
This report sets out a comprehensive strategy for realizing the full potential of electronic service delivery in the U.K. government. This strategy requires change in three broad areas:
- ensuring that government electronic service delivery is driven by the use that citizens make of it. There is scope for better co-ordination of initiatives to ensure that citizens have the skills, information and equipment to interact electronically. There should also be measures to give people mediated access to electronic services where they want and need it. Government must also respond more effectively to citizen preferences and make investment decisions on the basis of service use.
- opening the electronic delivery of government services to the private and voluntary sectors. Competition between public, private and voluntary sector providers of electronic government services will improve service quality, stimulate innovation and improve value for money.
- putting in place new incentives, levers and institutional structures to make sure the transformation happens, including new funding and sharpened financial incentives to promote electronic service delivery and the creation of a government incubator to develop new service ideas.