The e-Tendering Expert Group (e-TEG) was established by the European Commission and tasked with defining a blueprint for pre-award e-procurement that provides a basis for the development of "best of breed" solutions. The objective is to promote solutions that achieve the optimal balance between usability and other attributes such as security. An essential task for the e-TEG is to define an effective model for e-submission, as this is currently the main bottleneck for the wider implementation of e-procurement. On-going standards work, such as that carried out by the CEN BII workshop, will be leveraged by the e-TEG.
Using this blueprint as its reference model, the e-TEG will also present recommendations on actions to be taken by the EU institutions and Member States to ensure the roll-out of e-procurement platforms that guarantee cross-border access and facilitate use by all economic operators in particular SMEs, while nonetheless preserving Member State autonomy to design solutions that best fit national requirements and can be integrated with existing platforms.
- A Strategy for E-procurement, at 8.