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The IT Law Wiki


The DoD Information Technology Standards and Profile Registry (DISR) is a single, unifying DoD registry for approved information technology (IT) and national security systems (NSS) standards and standards profiles. Mandated standards contained in the DISR must be used in future systems development efforts within the DoD. This information was formerly captured in the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA), Version 6.0.

These standards are used as the building codes for all systems being procured by the DoD. Use of the DISR facilitates interoperability among systems and integration of new systems into the Global Information Grid (GIG). Additionally, the DISR provides the capability to build profiles of specific standards that programs will use to deliver network-centric capabilities. Access to DISR is via a web-enabled interface (DISR-online) that consists of a collection of web-based applications that support all aspects of standards development and compliance."[1]


  1. Defense Acquisition University, Glossary, at B-52 (13th ed. Nov. 2009) (full-text).