Department of Defense, Procedures governing the activities of DoD intelligence components that affect United States persons (DoD Directive 5240.1-R) (Dec. 1982) (full-text).
This DOD regulation sets forth procedures governing the activities of DOD intelligence components that affect U.S. persons. It implements DoD Directive 5240.1, and replaced the November 30, 1979 version of DoD Regulation 5240.1-R. It applies to all DoD intelligence components.
Executive Order 12333, "United States intelligence activities" stipulates that certain activities of intelligence components that affect U.S. persons by governed by procedures issued by the agency head and approved by the U.S. Attorney General. Specifically, procedures 1 through 10, as well as appendix A requiring approval by the U.S. Attorney General, contain further guidance to DoD components in implementing Executive Order 12333 as well as Executive Order 12334, "President's Intelligence Oversight Board."
By this memorandum, these procedures are approved for use within the Department of Defense. Heads of DoD components shall issue such implementing instructions as may be necessary for the conduct of authorized functions in a manner consistent with the procedures set forth herein.