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A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is/are

[a] plan that describes the process to recover from major processing interruptions.[1]
[a] written plan for processing critical applications in the event of a major hardware or software failure or destruction of facilities.[2]
[a] plan that provides for the continuity of system operations after a disaster that makes normal systemz operation infeasible.[3]
documents containing procedures for emergency response, extended backup operations, and post-disaster recovery should a DPI [Data Processing Installation] experience a partial or total loss of computer and network resources and physical facilities.[4]


A disaster recovery plan is essential to continued availability of a system. The primary objectives of these plans, in conjunction with computer application contingency plans, are to provide a reasonable assurance that a DPI [Data Processing Installation] can recover from such incidents, continue to process mission-critical applications in a degraded mode (i.e., as a minimum, process computer applications previously identified as most critical), and return to a normal mode of operation within a reasonable time. Such plans are a protective measure generally applied based on assessments of other protective measures already in place, potential risk exposures, cost and benefits to be derived, and feasibility of implementation.

The DRP should include the following items:

  • Required response to events or conditions of varying duration and severity that would activate the recovery plan
  • Procedures for operating the system in manual mode with all external electronic connections severed until secure conditions can be restored
  • Roles and responsibilities of responders
  • Processes and procedures for the backup and secure storage of information
  • Complete and up-to-date logical network diagram
  • Personnel list for authorized physical and cyber access to the system
  • Communication procedure and list of personnel to contact in the case of an emergency including vendors, network administrators, support personnel, etc., and
  • Current configuration information for all components.

The plan should also indicate requirements for the timely replacement of components in the case of an emergency. If possible, replacements for hard-to-obtain critical components should be kept in inventory.


  1. FFIEC IT Examination Handbook, Business Continuity Planning, Appendix B: Glossary (full-text).
  2. NIST Special Publication 800-34.
  3. DCID 6/3, Glossary, App. B.
  4. NASA Automated Information Security Handbook, at §308(a)(1).
