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The U.S. Defense Information Infrastructure/Common Operating Environment (DII/COE) is

[a]n application-independent basis for DoD information system architectures. The DII-COE consists of reusable software components, a plugable framework and software infrastructure, and a set of guidelines and standards for developing, integrating, and packaging mission applications.
Level 6: Intermediate DII Compliance: Segments reuse one or more COE-component segments. Substantial security requirements are imposed upon segments at this level. Minor documented differences may exist between the User Interface Specifications for the DII and the segment’s GUI implementation. Database schema, business rules, valid values, element definitions, and other features associated with a database segment are fully documented.
Level 8: Full DII Compliance: Proposed new functionality is completely integrated into the system (e.g. makes maximum possible use of COE services) and is available via the Executive Manager. The segment is fully compliant with the User Interface Specification for the DII and uses only published public APIs. The segment does not duplicate any functionality contained elsewhere in the system whether as part of the COE or as part of another mission application or database segment. The data associated with a database segment is coordinated with the Defense Data Model (DDM) and does not overlap any existing COE component database segments.[1]


  1. Capstone Requirements Document: Global Information Grid (GIG) 70-71 (JROCM 134-01) (Aug. 30, 2001) (unclassified) (full-text).

See also[]
