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The Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (DIGO) was established in Australia under a Cabinet Directive on November 8, 2000, by amalgamating the Australian Imagery Organisation and Directorate of Strategic Military Geographic Information, and the Defence Topographic Agency. On December 2, 2005, DIGO came under the provisions of the amended Intelligence Services Act 2001 (ISA). Its purpose is to provide geospatial intelligence, from imagery and other sources, in support of Australia's defence and national interests.

DIGO is the lead geospatial and imagery intelligence organisation in the Department of Defence. Its functions, as described in the Intelligence Services Act 2001 (ISA) are:

  • To obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence about the capabilities, intentions or activities of people or organisations outside Australia to meet the requirements of the Government.
  • To obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence for the purposes of meeting the operational, targeting, training and exercise requirements of the Australian Defence Force.
  • To obtain geospatial and imagery intelligence for the purposes of supporting Commonwealth and State authorities in carrying out national security functions.
  • To communicate in accordance with Government requirements the intelligence obtained under the above functions.
  • To provide Commonwealth and State authorities and bodies approved by the Minister for Defence: imagery and other geospatial products that are not intelligence; technical assistance; and support for carrying out their emergency response functions.

DIGO collaborates with the Australian Hydrographic Service and the Royal Australian Air Force Aeronautical Information Service for the provision of maritime and aeronautical geospatial information respectively. DIGO provides GEOINT support to Australia's defense interests and other national objectives. DIGO is responsible for the collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of imagery and geospatial products, and for determining the standards for imagery and geospatial information within the Australian Defence Organisation.
