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The Swedish Data Inspection Board (Datainspektionen) is tasked with establishing the pre-conditions for the processing of personal data so as not to lead to an undue invasion of privacy. Its duties include:

  • ensure that the legislation within the privacy area is complied with, and
  • monitor that privacy is taken into account as far as possible in any new legislation.
The agency was established in the early 1970s as a result of public concern about the personal data that "Big Brother" might stuff into his filing systems and large mainframe computers. Now there is equal justification for worrying about "Little Brother" i.e. individuals using the Internet and databases to keep watch on friend and foe alike.[1]


  1. What on Earth Does the Data Inspection Board Do?, at 5 (full-text).

External link[]

  • What on Earth Does the Data Inspection Board Do? (full-text).