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DHS Management Directive 102-01, Acquisition Management (Rev. 1) (Jan. 20, 2010) (full-text).


This Directive provides the overall policy and structure for acquisition management within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

This Directive describes the Department's Acquisition Life Cycle Framework (ALF), Acquisition Review Process (ARP), and Acquisition Review Board (ARB). The ALF is a template for planning and executing acquisitions. The ARP is the Department's acquisition executive decision support process that culminates in an ARB and provides a consistent method to evaluate an acquisition's progress and status at critical points in the acquisition life cycle.

This Directive provides additional management procedures and responsibilities that augment the existing policies, regulations, and statutes that govern the procurement and contracting aspects of acquisition. Components retain the authority to set internal acquisition processes and procedures as long as the processes and procedures are consistent with the spirit and intent of this Directive.