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DHS Appropriations Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 109-295, 109 Cong., 2d Sess. (Oct. 4, 2006).


The Act directs the DHS to develop and periodically update the following:

a National Emergency Communications Plan to provide recommendations regarding how the U.S. should (1) support and promote the ability of emergency response providers and relevant government officials to continue to communicate in the event of natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters; and (2) ensure, accelerate, and attain interoperable emergency communications nationwide.

The Act mandated the reorganization of the DHS preparedness capabilities, and established several new organizational entities:


  1. Under The Act's subtitle addressing emergency communications, 21st-Century Emergency Communications Act of 2006, the Office of Emergency Communications is established with several responsibilities, including SAFECOM (a communications program of the DHS's Office for Interoperability and Compatibility) and program administration roles within the Integrated Wireless Network; promoting interoperable emergency communications, requirements and standards; coordinating the NCS; developing best practices and standard operating procedure; information sharing; emergency communications plan reviews; and developing and maintaining the NECP.
