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The IT Law Wiki


The Australian Federal Police (AFP) Cybercrime Operations (CCO) Investigations Teams investigate offenses against Parts 10.7 and 10.8 of the Australian Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). These offenses include computer intrusions (for example, malicious hacking), the creation and distribution of malicious software (for example, viruses, worms, trojans), and dishonestly obtaining or dealing in personal financial information (including identity theft). The AFPs focus on:

1. The protection of Australian Government systems.
2. The protection of Systems of National Importance, with a key element being the banking and financial sector.

CCO works collaboratively with industry and government agencies in this task. It works closely with the Australian Intelligence Community through the Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC), and international law enforcement agencies.


  • Verizon Business, 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report 74 (2012) (full-text).