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Kristin M. Finklea & Catherine A. Theohary, Cybercrime: Conceptual Issues for Congress and U.S. Law Enforcement (CRS Report R42547) (May 23, 2012) (full-text).


This report discusses the concept of cybercrime and related cyber threats such as cyber espionage and cyber warfare. While it touches on these related threats, the report only does so in the context of framing the discussion of cybercrime. It questions whether — and under what circumstances — clear distinctions between the various threats should be delineated.

The report also outlines how current federal strategies may address cybercrime. It raises issues surrounding the measurement and tracking of cybercrime. It discusses whether a clearer understanding of what constitutes cybercrime as well as its prevalence and harm could better equip policymakers to debate the sufficiency of federal law enforcement resources available to counter cybercrime and to conduct oversight in this arena.