National Research Council, Committee on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and the Law, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and the Law: An Overview of Key Issues (Stewart D. Personick & Cynthia A. Patterson eds. 2003) (full-text).
Responses to the events of September 11, 2001, continued to unfold throughout the period in which this report was drafted, greatly complicating the task of describing contemporary conditions and prospects. The dynamism of the situation would make any report with concrete recommendations obsolete before it was published. Against this backdrop, the committee chose to highlight enduring observations, focusing on two issues that could potentially facilitate critical information infrastructure protection efforts — information sharing and the liability of unsecured systems and networks. The committee sought to summarize the debate surrounding use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), antitrust, and liability laws that lie at the heart of critical information infrastructure protection, attempting to maintain that focus in the face of substantial blurring between those issues and the larger set of homeland security issues facing the country.