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Criminal justice information is

the abstract term used to refer to all of the FBI CJIS provided data necessary for law enforcement agencies to perform their mission and enforce the laws, including but not limited to: biometric, identity history, person, organization, property (when accompanied by any personally identifiable information), and case/incident history data. In addition, CJI refers to the FBI CJIS-provided data necessary for civil agencies to perform their mission; including, but not limited to data used to make hiring decisions. The following type of data are exempt from the protection levels required for CJI: transaction control type numbers (e.g. ORI, NIC, FNU, etc.) when not accompanied by information that reveals CJI or PII.[1]


Criminal justice information includes any or all of the following:

a) Identification recordinformation describing an individual that does not suggest he has committed a crime — e.g., voiceprints, photographs, fingerprints.
b) Arrest recordinformation concerning the arrest and charging of an individual who has been accused of a criminal offense. Arrest record information does not include any reference to disposition of charge(s).
c) Criminal record — when disposition information is added to an arrest record, it becomes a “criminal record” (sometimes called a conviction record).
d) Disposition — a record entry or entries disclosing 1) that a decision has been made not to bring criminal charges against the subject of the record, or 2) that criminal proceedings have been concluded, abandoned, or indefinitely postponed. If an individual is convicted and sentenced, the related disposition information includes the nature of the sentence and subsequent events — e.g., release from correctional supervision, the outcome of appellate review, and/or executive clemency action.
e) Correctional and release recordinformation on an individual compiled in connection with bail, pretrial or post-trial release proceedings, pre-sentence investigations, and proceedings to determine the individual’s physical or mental condition. The term also includes information on an inmate’s participation in correctional/rehabilitative programs, as well as information related to probation/parole proceedings.
f) Criminal intelligence recordinformation on identifiable individuals compiled in an effort to anticipate, prevent, or monitor possible criminal activity.
g) Criminal investigative recordinformation on identifiable individuals compiled in the course of investigating specific criminal acts.
h) Wanted person recordidentification record information on an individual against whom there is an outstanding arrest warrant.[2]
