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The IT Law Wiki



Content is

any work produced by an author, whatever the medium of expression (text, pictures, music or musical performances, computer programs, and so on).[1]
[d]ata that is transmitted recorded and/or stored as 'audio,' 'video,' 'images,' 'high-resolution graphics,' and 'slides.'[2]
comprised of the words, images, databases, etc that contain the information itself, as well as actions and inactions to which meaning is ascribed.[3]


Content is

Information made available online, including music, videos, games, books and other publications, news, art, and other information. There is often a distinction between professional media content (online content provided by companies) and user-generated content (online content provided by individuals through their webpages, social networks, user reviews, or blog postings).[4]

Content versus information[]

Content (derives from the Latin "contentum," which means "that which is contained") is sometimes thought of as a synonym with information. While information is one important component of content — even experiences meant purely for entertainment contain information within them — a given piece of information may or may not be experienced as content if it is not presented to an audience appropriately. For example, information can be stored in any number of ways and delivered and displayed in any number of forms and formats. Each use of information may create its own unique value for a specific audience in a specific context. Thus the ability to deliver a specific piece of information by a specific technology does not necessarily guarantee its value as content.

The often cited examples of information overload are a way of stating that the availability of information does not necessarily mean that it is useful content. Thus the information industry, which is focused primarily on the creation and delivery of digital information, is not synonymous with the content industry, which focuses on creating value for audiences in contexts that can be realized often as money, attention or other forms of reward via the value of content.

Electronic Communications Privacy Act[]

Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act[1], contents,

when used with respect to any wire, oral, or electronic communication, includes any information concerning the substance, purport, or meaning of that communication."[5]


See also[]

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