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Richard Viereckl et al., Connected Car Report 2016: Opportunities, Risk, and Turmoil on the Road to Autonomous Vehicles (Sept. 28, 2016) (full-text).


The report is divided into seven sections, each of which focuses on one key question about the opportunities and risks to be found in the industry's business models, ecosystem, market growth, geographic distribution, and technologies involved in developing the connected car:

  • How does technological change affect the distribution of value in the rapidly restructuring automotive industry?
  • How can automakers recoup their investments in connected and autonomous vehicles?
  • How quickly will the market for connected car packages grow, and how will the revenue opportunities break down in terms of region, car segment, and type of package?
  • How will suppliers be transformed by this industry-wide change, and what will it take for them to succeed?
  • How will China move into the connected car market, and how will those efforts, abetted by its digitally sophisticated car buyers and broad range of innovation, affect the car of the future?
  • How will connected car technology be protected against cyber-attack, and how can automakers effectively meet the related organizational and technical challenges?
  • How will autonomous vehicle technologies, now in the early stages of development, transform the driving experience of tomorrow?