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A Computer Matching Agreement (CMA) is

[a]n agreement entered into by an organization in connection with a computer matching program to which the organization is a party, as required by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988. With certain exceptions, a computer matching program is any computerized comparison of two or more automated systems of records or a system of records with nonfederal records for the purpose of establishing or verifying the eligibility of, or continuing compliance with, statutory and regulatory requirements by, applicants for, recipients or beneficiaries of, participants in, or providers of services with respect to cash or in-kind assistance or payments under federal benefit programs or computerized comparisons of two or more automated federal personnel or payroll systems of records or a system of federal personnel or payroll records with non-federal records.[1]
a written agreement between a source agency and a recipient agency (or multiple source and/or recipient agencies, as appropriate) or a non-Federal agency that allows the parties to engage in a matching program.[2]


Computer matching agreements are described in more detail in the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. §552a(o), and in the OMB, Final Guidance Interpreting the Provisions of Public Law 100-503, the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988.
