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Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Finance and Deregulation, Cloud Computing Strategic Direction Paper: Opportunities and applicability for use by the Australian Government, Version 1.0 (Apr. 2011) (full-text).


This paper describes the whole-of-government policy position on cloud computing. In summary, this policy states that:

agencies may choose cloud-based services where they demonstrate value for money and adequate security.

This paper provides guidance for agencies about what cloud computing is and some issues and benefits that agencies need to understand.

The paper recognises that the public cloud is still evolving, particularly in areas such as security, and privacy. These issues need to be adequately resolved before critical government services can be transitioned to the cloud. As a result, the paper outlines three concurrent streams of work:

  • Stream One – provides agencies with guidance and documentation.
  • Stream Two – encourages agencies to adopt public cloud services for public-facing “unclassified” government services and to undertake proof of concept studies to fully understand the risks of the cloud environment.
  • Stream Three – encourages a strategic approach to cloud computing. This work is dependent upon greater clarity around projects commissioned under the Data Centre Strategy.