The Children and Content On-Line Task Force was established by the Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA) in 1998 to assist the ABA in investigating and advising on:
- (a) matters which might be included in industry codes of practice that will apply to online service providers, and the operation of effective complaints procedures;
- (b) national and international developments in the use of online content labelling services to protect children from content which may be unsuitable for them;
- (c) national educational strategies to promote effective and productive use of online services; and
- (d) international developments in relation to the regulation of the content of online services.
The Task Force was established primarily to assist the ABA in its consideration of paragraph b) of the Direction which deals with content labelling. Content labelling is one of the options currently available to parents and supervisors as a means by which they can limit access to Internet content which they do not consider appropriate for children, without affecting the rights of those who do not wish to use such tools.
On Jume 4, 1998 the Task Force issued its final report.