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The FBI Chief Information Sharing Officer (CISO) position was created to build a unified and effective information sharing environment within the FBI. As the principal advisor to FBI executives on information-sharing issues, the CISO provides policy direction to FBI divisions on information sharing and leads coordination of FBI information sharing activities. Within the FBI, the CISO participates in FBI forums and groups to advocate for appropriate information sharing and to identify emerging issues or gaps in communication. The CISO also supports the ISPB, serves as Chair of the Access Policy Group (APG), and oversees the formation of APG Information Sharing Teams (ISTs), which investigate information sharing issues and recommend solutions.

The CISO also represents the FBI to external policy and information-sharing organizations. FBI information sharing activities extend well beyond the organization into the IC and other communities. The FBI is represented by the CISO at the White House National Security Staff Information Sharing and Access Interagency Policy Committee, the Intelligence Community Information Sharing Steering Committee, the Law Enforcement Information Sharing Program (LEISP) Coordinating Committee (LCC), the Global Justice Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC), at fusion center conferences, and in public discussions of information sharing topics.

The CISO facilitates, monitors, assesses, and reports on interagency information-sharing initiatives between the FBI and these and other organizations (which comprise federal, state, local, tribal, foreign, and private partners) to identify issues and inconsistent policies and to recommend and inform policy creation and revisions. The CISO also contributes to the preparation of Congressional testimony and other public statements by FBI senior leadership on information sharing topics.

The CISO often functions as an enabler or policy coordinator. The CISO also publishes the FBI National Information Sharing Strategy, publishes an annual report on FBI Information Sharing activities, and publicizes information sharing initiatives through web pages on the FBI Law Enforcement Online (LEO) and FBI internal networks. Critical information sharing policy documents and related materials, including a current calendar of information sharing meetings and resource documents, are maintained on the CISO web sites.


Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI Information Sharing Report 2010 (full-text).
