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Department of Homeland Security[]

The Department of Homeland Security's Chief Acquisition Officer (CAQO), selected in accordance with Title 41, U.S.C. §414,

is responsible for the management, administration, and oversight of the Department's acquisition policies and procedures. CAQO responsibilities include:
  1. Managing the direction of acquisition policy for DHS, including implementation of acquisition policies, regulations, and standards.
  2. Serving as the Acquisition Decision Authority (ADA), for Level 1 and 2 acquisitions. . . .
  3. Designating Component Acquisition Executives (CAEs).[1]

General Services Administration[]

A Chief Acquisition Officer is a GSA staff member, who has the authority to sign purchase orders, thereby awarding orders to contractors.


  1. Department of Homeland Security, Acquisition Management Directive 2 (Directive Number: 102~1) (Jan. 20, 2010) (full-text).