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The 2012 California IT Strategic Plan encourages the state to focus on the outcomes technology can deliver while responding to critical issues facing the state's information technology community. This plan describes changes that will improve collaboration and governance among the state's IT community and ensure California has the workforce needed to address the challenges that lie ahead.

The 2012 plan rationalizes strategies articulated in earlier strategic plans, as well as addressing the most pressing issues to the state government and state government's technology community. The purpose of this plan is not just to do things better, but to make certain California is also focused on the outcomes that have the greatest impact on Californians and achieving them in the most efficient way possible. The plan’s five strategic goals are:

  • Accessible and Mobile Government
  • Leadership and Collaboration Yield Results
  • Efficient, Consolidated, and Reliable Infrastructure and Services
  • Information is an Asset
  • Capable Information Technology Workforce

In addition to the technology-enabled framework of earlier plans, this plan adds six guiding principles:

  • Accountability
  • Collaboration
  • Effectiveness
  • Enterprise Value
  • Leadership
  • Service

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