The following are the GAO reports published in 2015 that are discussed in this wiki (in reverse chronological order). Those reports that have already been summarized are in blue; those that have not yet been summarized are in red.
[NOTE: CRS Reports are often updated; many are updated multiple times. The links below are to the most recent version of the Report.]
- Employer Wellness Programs and Genetic Information: Frequently Asked Questions (Dec. 17, 2015).
- First Spoofing Conviction Gives Teeth to Dodd-Frank in Prosecuting Commodities Violations (CRS Legal Sidebar) (Dec. 15, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Legislation, Hearings, and Executive Branch Documents (Dec. 10, 2015).
- Still Fair Use for Google Books: Second Circuit Ruling in Authors Guild v. Google (CRS Legal Sidebar) (Nov. 30, 2015).
- The EMV Chip Card Transition: Background, Status, and Issues for Congress (Nov. 27, 2015).
- Bivens Does Not Apply to Overseas Fourth Amendment Violations with National Security Overtones (CRS Legal Sidebar) (Nov. 23, 2015).
- Internet Governance and the Domain Name System: Issues for Congress (Nov. 20, 2015).
- Paris Attacks and 'Going Dark': Intelligence-Related Issues to Consider (CRS Insight) (Nov. 19, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Legislation, Hearings, and Executive Branch Documents (Nov. 17, 2015).
- Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Comparison of H.R. 1560 (PCNA and NCPAA) and S. 754 (CISA) (Nov. 6, 2015)
- The Future of Internet Governance: Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over ICANN? (Nov. 3, 2015).
- The EU-U.S. Safe Harbor Agreement on Personal Data Privacy: In Brief (Oct. 29, 2015).
- Senate Passes Cybersecurity Information Sharing Bill-What's Next? (CRS Legal Sidebar) {Oct. 28, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Legislation, Hearings, and Executive Branch Documents (Oct. 21, 2015).
- Privilege Against Self-Incrimination Supplements Journalist Privilege (CRS Legal Sidebar) (Oct. 20, 2015).
- Bitcoin: Questions, Answers, and Analysis of Legal Issues (Oct. 13, 2015).
- The Internet of Things: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 13, 2015).
- The Internet Tax Freedom Act: In Brief (Oct. 5, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Legislation, Hearings, and Executive Branch Documents (Oct. 2, 2015).
- Copyright Licensing in Music Distribution, Reproduction, and Public Performance (Sept. 22, 2015).
- Third Circuit Affirms the FTC's Authority to Regulate Data Security as an Unfair Trade Practice (CRS Legal Sidebar) (Sept. 21, 2015).
- Is There a Gap in Insider Trading Coverage for Hacking? (CRS Legal Sidebar) (Sept. 18, 2015).
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): Commercial Outlook for a New Industry (Sept. 9, 2015).
- Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement Investigations (Sept. 8, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Data, Statistics, and Glossaries (Sept. 8, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Legislation, Hearings, and Executive Branch Documents (Sept. 8, 2015).
- The EMV Chip Card Transition: Background, Status, and Issues for Congress (Sept. 8, 2015).
- What Does the Latest Court Ruling on NSA Telephone Metadata Program Mean? (CRS Legal Sidebar) (Sept. 3, 2015).
- How Many UAVs for DOD? (CRS Insights) (Aug. 27, 2015).
- Policy Implications of the Internet of Things (Aug. 25, 2015).
- The Intelligence Community and Its Use of Contractors: Congressional Oversight Issues (Aug. 18, 2015).
- The Future of Internet Governance: Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over ICANN? (Aug. 18, 2015).
- Bitcoin: Questions, Answers, and Analysis of Legal Issues (Aug. 14, 2015).
- The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) (Aug. 6, 2015).
- Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Comparison of House and Senate Bills in the 114th Congress (Aug. 5, 2015).
- National Security Letters in Foreign Intelligence Investigations: A Glimpse at the Legal Background (July 31, 2015).
- NLRB Weighs In on Insulting Facebook Posts Cases (CRS Legal Sidebar) (July 31, 2015).
- Consumer and Credit Reporting, Scoring, and Related Policy Issues (July 30, 2015).
- License Plates and Public Signs: Government First Amendment Speech (July 29, 2015).
- Patent Litigation Reform Legislation in the 114th Congress (July 29, 2015).
- Expansion of WTO Information Technology Agreement Targets December Conclusion (CRS Insights) (July 28, 2015).
- OPM Data Breach: Personnel Security Background Investigation Data (CRS Insights) (July 24, 2015).
- Cyber Intrusion into U.S. Office of Personnel Management: In Brief (July 17, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Legislation, Hearings, and Executive Branch Documents (July 15, 2015).
- Dark Web (CRS Report) (July 7, 2015).
- Access to Broadband Networks: The Net Neutrality Debate (July 1, 2015).
- The Federal Communications Commission: Current Structure and Its Role in the Changing Telecommunications Landscape (June 29, 2015).
- Internet Governance and the Domain Name System: Issues for Congress (June 24, 2015).
- The Future of Internet Governance: Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over ICANN? (June 24, 2015).
- Protecting Civil Aviation from Cyberattacks (CRS Insights) (June 18, 2015).
- Intelligence Authorization Legislation for FY2016: Selected Provisions (CRS Insights) (June 15, 2015).
- Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Comparison of Legislative Proposals in the 114th Congress (June 12, 2015).
- Access to Broadband Networks: The Net Neutrality Debate (June 12, 2015).
- Net Neutrality: Selected Legal Issues Raised by the FCC's 2015 Open Internet Order (June 12, 2015).
- The Internet Tax Freedom Act: In Brief (June 11, 2015).
- Cybersecurity Issues for the Bulk Power System (June 10, 2015).
- USA FREEDOM Act Reinstates Expired USA PATRIOT Act Provisions But Limits Bulk Collection (CRS Legal Sidebar) (June 4, 2015).
- Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Comparison of H.R. 1560 and H.R. 1731 as Passed by the House (June 4, 2015).
- Legislation to Facilitate Cybersecurity Information Sharing: Economic Analysis (June 3, 2015).
- Overview of Constitutional Challenges to NSA Collection Activities (May 21, 2015).
- Government Collection of Private Information: Background and Issues Related to the USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization in Brief (May 19, 2015).
- Sunset of Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 (memorandum for the House Judiciary Committee) (May 19, 2015).
- Tracking Federal Funds: USAspending.gov and Other Data Sources (May 13, 2015).
- The Future of Internet Governance: Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over ICANN? (May 11, 2015).
- The Potential Impact of the Second Circuit's Ruling Against Bulk Collection on USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization (CRS Legal Sidebar) (May 8, 2015).
- Money for Something: Music Licensing in the 21st Century (May 7, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Data, Statistics, and Glossaries (May 7, 2015).
- The Future of Internet Governance: Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over ICANN? (May 5, 2015).
- Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Comparison of H.R. 1560 and H.R. 1731 as Passed by the House (Apr. 29, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic (Apr. 28, 2015).
- Social Media in the House of Representatives: Frequently Asked Questions (Apr. 22, 2015).
- Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Comparison of H.R. 1560 and H.R. 1731 (Apr. 20, 2015).
- Attribution in Cyberspace: Challenges for U.S. Law Enforcement (Apr. 17, 2015).
- Access to Broadband Networks: The Net Neutrality Debate (Apr. 16, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: CRS Experts (Apr. 15, 2015).
- Air Traffic Control: FAA Needs a More Comprehensive Approach to Address Cybersecurity As Agency Transitions to NextGen (GAO-15-370) (Apr. 14, 2015).
- Copyright Licensing in Music Distribution, Reproduction, and Public Performance (Apr. 15, 2015).
- The Federal Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program: Background, Funding and Activities (Apr. 10, 2015).
- Taxation of Internet Sales and Access: Legal Issues (Apr. 10, 2015).
- "Amazon Laws" and Taxation of Internet Sales: Constitutional Analysis (Apr. 9, 2015).
- Science and Technology Issues in the 114th Congress (Apr. 7, 2015).
- Net Neutrality: Selected Legal Issues Raised by the FCC's 2015 Open Internet Order (Apr. 6, 2015).
- Social Media in the House of Representatives: Frequently Asked Questions (Apr. 2, 2015).
- Domestic Drones and Privacy: A Primer (Mar. 30, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic (Mar. 30, 2015).
- Cyberwarfare and Cyberterrorism: In Brief (Mar. 27, 2015).
- The Federal Communications Commission: Current Structure and Its Role in the Changing Telecommunications Landscape (Mar. 16, 2015).
- Cybersecurity and Information Sharing: Legal Challenges and Solutions (Mar. 16, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic (Mar. 13, 2015).
- Access to Broadband Networks: The Net Neutrality Debate (Mar. 9, 2015).
- Internet Domain Names: Background and Policy Issues (Mar. 6, 2015).
- Internet Governance and the Domain Name System: Issues for Congress (Mar, 6, 2015).
- Information Warfare: The Role of Social Media in Conflict (CRS Insights) (Mar. 4, 2015).
- Email Privacy: District Court Rules that ECPA Warrants Apply to Electronic Communications Stored Overseas (CRS Legal Sidebar) (Mar. 4, 2015).
- Genetic Testing: Background and Policy Issues (Mar. 2, 2015).
- The First Responder Network (FirstNet) and Next-Generation Communications for Public Safety: Issues for Congress (Feb. 27, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic (Feb. 27, 2015).
- The EMV Chip Card Transition: Background, Status, and Issues for Congress (Feb. 26, 2015).
- Freedom of Information Act Legislation in the 114th Congress: Issue Summary and Side-by-Side Analysis (Feb. 26, 2015).
- Access to Broadband Networks: The Net Neutrality Debate (Feb. 26, 2015).
- Anthem Data Breach: How Safe Is Health Information Under HIPAA? (CRS Insights) (Feb. 24, 2015).
- Legislation to Facilitate Cybersecurity Information Sharing: Economic Analysis (Feb. 23, 2015).
- Spectrum Needs of Self-Driving Vehicles (CRS Insights) (Feb. 12, 2015).
- Tailoring the Patent System for Specific Industries (Feb. 6, 2015).
- The Presidential Libraries Act and the Establishment of Presidential Libraries (Feb. 6, 2015).
- Access to Broadband Networks: The Net Neutrality Debate (Feb. 5, 2015).
- Spectrum Policy: Provisions in the 2012 Spectrum Act (Feb. 5, 2015).
- Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic (Feb. 3, 2015).
- Common Questions About Federal Records and Related Agency Requirements (Feb. 2, 2015).
- Information Warfare: Cyberattacks on Sony, CRS Insights (Jan. 30, 2015).
- Bitcoin: Questions, Answers, and Analysis of Legal Issues (Jan. 28, 2015).
- National Security Letters: Proposals in the 113th Congress (Jan. 22, 2015).
- Aereo and FilmOn X: Internet Television Streaming and Copyright Law (Jan. 22, 2015).
- The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA): An Overview of Programs and Funding (Jan. 21, 2015).
- Overview and Issues for Implementation of the Federal Cloud Computing Initiative: Implications for Federal Information Technology Reform Management (Jan. 20, 2015).
- The Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) Loan Program: Status and Issues (Jan. 15, 2015).
- Cybercrime: Conceptual Issues for Congress and U.S. Law Enforcement (Jan. 15, 2015).
- Intelligence Authorization Legislation for FY2014 and FY2015: Provisions, Status, Intelligence Community Framework (Jan. 14, 2015).
- The Corporation for Public Broadcasting: Federal Funding and Issues (Jan. 13, 2015).
- The Federal Communications Commission: Current Structure and Its Role in the Changing Telecommunications Landscape (Jan. 9, 2015).
- The Federal Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program: Background, Funding and Activities (Jan. 9, 2015).
- Cyber Operations in DOD Policy and Plans: Issues for Congress (CRS Report R43848) (Jan. 5, 2015).
Other CRS Reports[]
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