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The IT Law Wiki


CCITT is the acronym for Comitè Consultatif Internationale de Tèlègraphie et Tèlèphonie (now called the Telecommunications Standardization Sector (ITU-T)). It is “[t]he internationally recognized French acronym for the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, one of the former sub-entities of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).”[1]

The CCITT (ITU-T) is responsible for developing international telecommunications recommendations relating to standardization of international telecommunications services and facilities, including matters related to international charging and accounting principles and the settlement of international telecommunications accounts.[2]

“Such recommendations are, effectively, the detailed implementation provisions for topics addressed in the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITR).[3]


This group sets international standards for the following:

  • Group 4: A protocol for sending fax documents over ISDN networks. The Group 4 protocol supports images of up to 400 dpi resolution.
  • V.21: The standard for full-duplex communication at 300 baud in Japan and Europe. (In the United States, Bell 103 is used in place of V.21.)
  • V.22: The standard for half-duplex communication at 1,200 bps in Japan and Europe. (In the United States, the protocol defined by Bell 212A is more common.)
  • V.29: The standard for half-duplex modems sending and receiving data across telephone lines at 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, or 9,600 bps. This protocol is used by fax modems.
  • V.32bis: The V.32 protocol extended to speeds of 7,200, 12,000, and 14,400 bps.
  • V.42: An error-detection standard for high-speed modems. V.42 can be used with digital telephone networks.
  • V.92: The enhanced standard for V.90.
  • X.500: An extension to X.400 that defines addressing formats so all e-mail systems can be linked together.


  1. 47 C.F.R. §3.2(f).
  2. Id.
  3. Id.