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Broadcom Corp. v. Qualcomm, Inc., 543 F.3d 683 (Fed. Cir. 2008) (full-text).

Federal Circuit Proceedings[]

The court affirmed the grant of a permanent injunction after Qualcomm was found to infringe two Broadcom patents related to CDMA cellphone technology.[1] Qualcomm argued that Broadcom, which makes only WCDMA chips not using the patented technology, suffered no irreparable harm because it did not compete with Qualcomm's infringing CDMA chips. But the district court rejected this argument on the basis that the two firms competed for "design wins for the development and production of cell phones" rather than for "each consumer sale."[2]


  1. 543 F.3d at 683.
  2. Id. at 702.