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The word blog is a portmanteau of the term "web log."

(Noun) A blog is

a web-based forum with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other materials where the blog host posts material on the website, and others may provide comments. Blogs may be moderated by the host or may allow material to be posted by third parties.
[a] frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.[1]

(Verb) To blog means "to maintain or add content to a blog."


Originally, blogs functioned as personal online diaries. Many now are dedicated to news reports, political commentary, promotions of various sorts, and reviews and opinions on sports, fashion, travel, restaurants, entertainment products, child-rearing, neighborhoods, and thousands of hobbies and interests. Most blogs allow readers to post comment and are used to foster discussion concerning various topics.

Research suggests that in 2007, some 28% of teens had their own blogs, many of which were updated daily or weekly.[2]

Consumer surveys indicate that people blog for two reasons: to express themselves creatively and to share personal experiences. Two-thirds of bloggers report that they blog for themselves; the rest say they do it to engage others and start a conversation. That conversation often involves many people, yet is intimate at the same time. Strangers, communicating in real time, have attained “trusted source” status through message boards, chat rooms and other online forums where they write their opinions, review products and services, offer information, and in general, narrate their life experience.


  1. Marketing Terms (full-text).
  2. See A. Lenhart, et al., “Teens and Social Media, Pew Internet & American Life Project” (Dec. 19, 2007) (citing Pew Internet & American Life Project telephone surveys).

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