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An automated information system (AIS) is

[a] generic term applied to all electronic computing systems. Automated Information Systems (AIS) collect, store, process, create, disseminate, communicate, or control data or information. AIS are composed of computer hardware (e.g., automated data processing equipment and associated devices that may include communication equipment), firmware, an operating system (OS), and other applicable software.[1]
an assembly of computer hardware, software and/or firmware configured to collect, create, communicate, compute, disseminate, process, store, and/or control data or information.[2]
[a]n assembly of hardware, software, and firmware used to electronically input, process, store, and/or output data. Examples include: mainframes, servers, desktop workstations, thin clients, and mobile devices (e.g., laptops, e-readers, smartphones, tablets). Typically, system components include, but are not limited to: central processing units (CPUs), monitors, printers, switches, routers, media converters, and removable storage media, such as flash drives. An AIS may also include nontraditional peripheral equipment, such as networked digital copiers, and cameras and audio recording/playback devices used to transfer data to or from a computer.[3]
[an] automated process in which machines perform operations on data, thus reducing the need for human intervention.[4]


  1. Glossary of Security Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms, at 18.
  2. DOD Directive 5200.28.
  3. 12 FAM 090 (full-text).
  4. Michigan Dept. of Tech., Management & Budget, 8000 Glossary (Jan. 6, 1997) (full-text).