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Commonwealth of Australia, Australia's Strategic Framework for the Information Economy 2004–2006: Opportunities and Challenges for the Information Age (July 2004) (full-text).


This Strategic Framework provides the policy platform needed to address new challenges to Australia's position as a leading information economy. It has several distinct purposes:

  • to explain the challenges and opportunities that the emerging information economy poses for Australia and why these are important to government, business and the ordinary citizen
  • to show how Australia's policy response to the information economy is linked to wider national priorities and global issues
  • to demonstrate that Australia's policy response to the information economy is coherent, both across the Australian Government, between the Australian, state, territory and local governments and with the position of international fora and our global peers
  • to set out publicly the priorities and strategies that the Australian Government has adopted to achieve Australia's information economy vision over the next three years.

This Strategic Framework sets out a vision for the information economy for 2004 to 2006, four broad objectives, four strategic priorities and sixteen supporting strategies for the information economy. The document comprises a short executive summary, two chapters and an appendix. The first chapter describes the opportunities and challenges of the information economy, the second chapter details Australia's vision, objectives and policy response (including the strategic [[priorities] and associated strategies) and the appendix highlights some of the Australian Government programs, policies and strategies being undertaken by various departments and agencies towards addressing the four information economy priorities over the next three years.

Australia's vision for the information economy is where government, business and society are all connected, can participate with confidence, are open to innovation and can collaborate to maximise the economic and social benefits.
