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Chatham House/Royal Institute of International Affairs, Artificial Intelligence and International Affairs: Disruption Anticipated (June 2018) (full-text).


This report examines some of the challenges for policymakers, in the short to medium term, that may arise from the advancement and increasing application of AI [ artificial Intelligence ]. This report does not attempt to offer specific predictions for the progress of discrete technological avenues, or proposals for specific avenues of technological development. Rather, it draws together strands of thinking about the impact that AI may have on selected areas of international affairs — from military, human security and economic perspectives — over the next 10 to 15 years.

The report comprises the following articles: "Introduction: Artificial Intelligence and International Politics," by Jacob Parakilas and Hannah Bryce; "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Warfare," by M. L. Cummings; "Advancing Human Security Through Artificial Intelligence," by Heather M. Roff; "The Economic Implications of Artificial Intelligence," by Kenneth Cukier; "Conclusions and Recommendations," by Hannah Bryce and Jacob Parakilas.