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Center for a New American Security, Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Initiative (2017) (full-text).


The Center's Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Initiative explores many issues surrounding the AI revolution. Current AI technology is powerful, but also has a number of vulnerabilities, including susceptibility to spoofing (false data) and control problems. An arms race in AI where nations and other actors rush to use this technology for their advantage without any concern for safety would be harmful to everyone. It is vitally important for the technology and policy communities to come together to better understand the implications of the AI revolution for global security and how best to navigate the challenges ahead.

The Initiative's research agenda covers a range of issues related to the implications of the AI revolution for global security, including:

  • Shifting power dynamics among actors in the international arena
  • Changes in the character of conflict
  • Crisis stability, including conflict initiation, escalation, and arms races
  • Security dimensions of AI safety
  • Prospects for international cooperation.