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Little Hoover Commission, Artificial Intelligence: A Roadmap for California (Report #245) (Nov. 2018) (full-text).


This Report is a call for action. Other states, cities and countries are surging forward with strategic plans to harness the power of artificial intelligence in ways that will improve their economy, public health and safety, jobs and environment. The race to develop and use AI for good is more akin to a marathon than a sprint. It is fast paced and highly competitive, and one that California should be leading but is not.

This Report provides an AI policymaking agenda that revolves around public engagement, building a human infrastructure, attacking pressing social needs, and protecting core values — autonomy, responsibility, privacy, transparency and accountability. In addition, the report offers lawmakers a high level plan that defines strategic AI objectives and major steps to achieve those objectives. The recommendations are wide ranging and cover:

  • State government infrastructure and planning;
  • Education and training;
  • Collection of data;
  • Creation of an AI commission;
  • Improving Employment Development Department (EDD) surveys; and
  • Apprenticeships for employees whose jobs and/or classifications may be displaced or transformed by artificial intelligence.