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Major Stephen James Karl Bates, Artificial Intelligence: A Revolution Waiting to Happen (Sept. 6, 2017) (full-text).


Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly emerging and influential technology that seeks to develop intelligent agents that can replace or improve on human performance in many aspects of human life. The scope for implementation is vast, and the world's leading technology is based not in the military, but the civilian sector. Historians have provided a context for understanding dramatic changes in the military, and have categorized this change by external and internal drivers. The Military Revolution and Revolution in Military Affairs are used as a vehicle to provide context to the emerging properties of Artificial Intelligence research. Analysis of AI [ Artificial Intelligence ] examines the related but significantly different theories of General and Narrow AI. At the current level of research, it is clear that Narrow AI has potential to develop into many important RMAs [Revolution in Military Affairs], limited by innovative concepts and organizational desire to change. General AI, on the other hand, looms in theoretical form as a potentially significant change to the social-military order.