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Analysis is

[t]he review of information and its comparison to other information to determine the meaning of the data in reference to a criminal investigation or assessment.[1]
[t]hat activity whereby meaning, actual or suggested, is derived through organizing and systematically examining diverse information and applying inductive or deductive logic for the purposes of criminal investigation or assessment.[2]


Analysis is

[t]he examination of acquired data for its significance and probative value to the case.[3]
[t]he process by which information is examined in order to identify significant facts and/or derive conclusions.[4]
[t]he third phase of the computer and network forensic process, which involves using legally justifiable methods and techniques, to derive useful information that addresses the questions that were the impetus for performing the collection and examination.[5]


Analysis is

(1) the Study and examination of something complex by separating it into more simple component. Typically, includes discovering the parts of the thing being studied, how they fit together, and why they are arranged in a particular way. (2) Study of variances for cause, impact, corrective action, and results.[6]


Analysis is

a step in the processing phase of the intelligence cycle in which information is subjected to review in order to identify significant facts for subsequent interpretation.[7]
[t]he process by which collected information is evaluated and integrated with existing information to produce intelligence that describes the current — and attempts to predict the future — impact of the threat, terrain and weather, and civil considerations on operations.[8]
the process of separating intelligence data into distinct, related parts or elements and examining those elements to determine essential parameters or related properties.[9]


"Analysis is always done by a human. Analysis requires using thought processes by which collected information is evaluated and integrated with existing information that requires taking multiple pieces of information, thinking through their related connections, and determining a particular conclusion. Computers can assist in analysis, but do not conduct analysis."[10]


See also[]