Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative, An Introduction to Familial DNA Searching for State, Local, and Tribal Justice Agencies: Issues for Consideration (Apr. 2012) (full-text).
Familial DNA searching is a critical issue facing jurisdictions across the country, and it is not without controversy. The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) developed this paper to provide state, local, and tribal (SLT) justice agencies that are performing or considering performing familial DNA searching with an overview of the science of familial DNA searching and its use in criminal investigations. Particular guidance is provided on implementing familial search protocols while carefully balancing the interests of both law enforcement and public safety with the privacy rights, interests, and concerns of affected persons.
With the likely expansion of familial DNA searching beyond the few states that currently employ it, this paper was developed to help SLT justice agencies make better-informed decisions regarding the privacy issues involved with DNA-based law enforcement identification information.